Kale Salad | Tofu Kale Salad | How to Make Garden Salad

Kale salad is our new favorite salad lately. As you know, salads are healthy and filled with all the nutritious stuff. The best part of making salad is that you can customize it with all of your favorite veggies, nuts, and seeds.

I never thought to eat kale leaves raw; seeing the texture of leaves seems pretty hard and chewy. However, I love kale leaves and make lots of dishes using these leaves, such as kale fritters, kale stir fry, and kale chickpea rice. It’s a month from now; I watched the kale salad video on youtube and thought of making it. That day, I made kale salad very little to try. And It’s turned out unexpectedly delicious. Later was regretting that why I didn’t try it before. From then on, I am making this salad more often, and I would say two to three times a week.

To make the best kale salad what you need to do is:-

  • Use only kale leaves, not the stem (save the kale stem to make another dish, use this stem to make soup or add in any vegetables)
  • Wash and dry the leaves
  • Give a good massage to the leaves with a tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt. This process will make this leave so tender and easy to chew.

If you don’t find Kale leaves in your home town, you can use different leafy greens like spinach, peas leaves, cabbage, lettuce to make a garden salad. I have shared some salad recipes; you might like them. Please check out these Salad recipes on the blog.

It doesn’t mean that if you have salad, you are just eating raw vegetables. You can make your salad more interesting by adding some carb-like brown rice, quinoa, daliya(broken whole wheat), roasted potatoes, or sweet potatoes, and for protein, add some roasted tofu, roasted paneer, roasted chicken, boiled egg, boiled chickpeas, and many more the options are endless. Be creative when you are making a salad.

I have used chopped cucumber, carrot, onion, avocado, raisin, Pumpkinseed, sunflower seeds, and Roasted tofu for this kale salad. I have used an air-fryer to roast tofu. But you can also shallow fry them on the pan, or you and roast them in the oven. Find the kale salad video and the written detailed recipes below.

For this salad, I have used homemade garlic lemon dressing. Garlic lemon dressing goes well with any salad. Making this salad dressing is effortless. It needs only 4 ingredients, fresh minced garlic, lime juice, salt, and olive oil. Mix them well and drizzle them on the salad. You are going to love how fresh and healthy it is and perfect for lunch and dinner.

You might also like more salad recipe from the blog-

Kale Salad Recipe Video:-

Prep. time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 16 minutes Serve: 4


  • Kale leaves: 2 cups packed worth
  • Carrot: 1/2 cup (chopped)
  • Cucumber: 1/2 cup (chopped)
  • Onion: 1/4 cup (chopped)
  • Avocado: 1 (chopped)
  • Raisin: 20 to 25
  • Pumpkin seeds: 2 tbsp
  • Sunflower seeds: 2 tbsp
  • Tofu: 400 gm (roasted)
kale salad

Ingredients for roasting tofu:

  • Tofu: 400gm
  • Garlic powder: 1 tsp
  • Salt: 1/2 tsp or as needed
  • Italian seasoning: 2 tsp
  • Olive oil: 1 tbsp

Ingredients for Salad Dressing

  • Lemon juice: 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Extra virgin Olive oil: 2 tbsp
  • Garlic: 1 tbsp (minced)
  • Salt: 1/2 tsp or as needed
  • Black pepper: 1/2 tsp

Let’s Begin Making Kale Salad

  • Remove kale leaves from the stem. And then wash and dry the leaves by using a clean kitchen towel.
  • In a big mixing bowl, add the kale leaves, olive oil, and a pinch of salt. Give this a good massage until you see the leaves become soft.
  • Now, cut a block of tofu into bitesize pieces. Then sprinkle garlic powder, salt, Italian seasoning, and oil. Give it a gentle mix.
  • Spray oil in an air-fryer pan, and layer all the tofu pieces in a single layer.
  • Air-fry them for 16 minutes on 360F. Stir it in the middle at around 8 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, chop all the vegetables (carrot, cucumber, onion, and avocado) and make salad dressing.
  • In a small bowl, add lime juice, Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, and fresh minced garlic. Mix it well and keep it aside.
  • By then, tofu will be done. Organize all the salad ingredients in one place.
  • In a large mixing bowl, assemble all the ingredients, chopped vegetables, seeds, nuts, and tofu.
kale salad
  • Drizzle the salad dressing on the top and give it a good mix. [Note: it is always a good idea to add salad dressing when ready to eat. If you are making a salad for later, you can keep dressing in a separate container.]
  • Enjoy this delicious salad. Please let me know how it turned out.


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